Thursday, April 12, 2012

Five Artifacts Project

For the five artifacts project, each member of the class brought in five objects that are special to them or in some way represent them. The five objects I chose were; an old picture book of Alice in Wonderland that belonged to my mom, my manual film camera, a small woven giraffe, a pink dinosaur my cousin gave me when I was born, and a ring that I bought while I was in Spain. These items are special to me because I have has most of them for a long time, and even the ones I bought more recently mean a lot to me because they represent big parts of my life. I was very proud to get my own film camera, take pictures and develop them myself, and traveling to Spain was huge to me because it's the only time I've left the continent.

Not only did I learn a lot about myself and what I value as I selected these items, but I also learned a great deal about my classmates because I had to opportunity to see what they value. We had a lot of similarities in the class. Since we are all becoming teachers, we value a lot of the same things. However, there is also a great deal of diversity in our class and it was a great experience to see that.

This can be an awesome learning experience for young students because they cannot always see beyond their own world to identify similarities and differences in their classmates. This will give them the chance to see what they have in common with the other people in the class and you also get a peek inside someone else's world.

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